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Scrap-yard United States

83 results for Scrap-yard

Sgt. Scrap in Gloucester City

610 Crescent Boulevard, Gloucester City, 08030

Providers of appliance recycling in Gloucester City

appliance recycling, copper scrap yards, junkyard, residential scrap metal pick-up

Fast Scrap Removal in Peterson

1510 Birchmount rd Toronto, Ontario. Canada, Peterson, 55962

We can provide Services: Scrap Car Removal, Car Disposal, Car Wrecker, Towing Unwanted Car, Car Recycling and Cash for Cars in Birchmount rd. Ontario. Toronto, Canada. We offers fast services, on same day at reasonable price

scrap removal, scrap yard, jun

Austin Metal & Iron, Co. in Austin

1000 East 4th Street, Austin, 78702
Open now

Austin Metal & Iron has been a family-owned and operated metal scrap yard located in the heart of Austin, Texas for well over 100 years. Founded in 1913 we've been paying businesses and individuals alike for their scrap metals. From copper, aluminum, stainless ...

scrap, aluminum, iron, recycling redemption

DCC Metal Recycling in Ladson

310 Royle Road, Ladson, 29456

Since 1943, DCC Metal Recycling has been passed down three generations and is currently owned and managed by Donald R. Brewer, Jr. The HQ in Hemingway, SC, is one of six locations throughout South Carolina that provides the ability for corporations, businesses ...

Metal Recycling, Scrap Metal, Scrap Yard, Used Equipment

Scrapyard Aesthetics in Hatboro

4210 Davisville Road, Hatboro, 19040

Building home decor such as clocks, lamps and metal sculpture out of old car parts and various other things found in the scrap yard. I'm always building something new and i try not to make the exact same thing twice. you can shop online at my Etsy store ...

handmade, steampunk, scrap metal art, clocks

27 Recycling in Miami

4101 NW 27th Ave, Miami, 33142

27 Recycling is fully dedicated to a cleaner more progressive living environment. As a dedicated metal recycling center in Miami, Fl we use the innovations that exist within the recycling industry to reduce landfill waste. The majority of people are not ...

Metal Recycling, Recycling Center, Scrap Metal, Scrap Yard

27 Recycling in Miami

4101 NW 27th Ave, Miami, 33142

27 Recycling is fully dedicated to a cleaner more progressive living environment. As a dedicated metal recycling center in Miami, Fl we use the innovations that exist within the recycling industry to reduce landfill waste. The majority of people are not ...

Metal Recycling, Recycling Center, Scrap Metal, Scrap Yard

Acadia Scrap and Salvage in Crowley

206 Standard Mill Rd, Crowley, 70526
(337) 783-4621

We handle scrap metals, as well as, sell pipe and steel. We can service all of your scrap needs. We have scrap bins that can be placed in high volume areas and are serviced by our company trucks. We also purchase scrap materials and off-load...

home improvement, acadia scrap metal, acadiana, beam

Cooley's Truck and Auto Wrecking in Eau Claire

1230 S 82nd Ave, Eau Claire, 54703
(715) 832-7163

For auto salvage, scrap metal recycling, new and used auto parts, and vintage salvage cars and trucks, see Cooleys, a local, family-owned business serving the Chippewa Valley.

metals, auto salvage, cooleys, dumpster rental

Behr Peoria in Peoria

3213 SW Washington St, Peoria, 61602
(309) 637-0649

Behr Iron and Metal is a leading, privately held scrap management company, functioning as a processor, dealer and broker of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

behr, career counseling, illinois, midwest

JFR Salvage in Wind Gap

6500 Sullivan Trl, Wind Gap, 18091
(610) 863-6071

JFR Salvage, Inc, is a full service ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal recycling yard in Wind Gap, PA, Poconos, Lehigh Valley, New Jersey, owned by Joe Raimo processing scrap steel, iron, copper, brass, aluminum, stainless steel, auto batteries.

inc., j.f.r. salvage, jfr salvage, joe raimo

Rocky Mountain Recycling in Commerce City

6510 Brighton Blvd, Commerce City, 80022
(303) 288-6868

We buy and recycle all scrap metals including Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel, Zinc, Aluminum Cans, Lead, and all types of Iron and ferrous metals. Our goals are to pay a fair price while providing the highest possible level of customer satisfaction ...

colorado, denver, rocky mountain, waste management

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Here you can find entries for "scrap-yard" nationwide. In this results list, different companies present their services and products regarding "scrap-yard".

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