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Fulex - Warren
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Opening in 13 minutes


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Opening hours

08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30
08:30 17:30

Description of Fulex

Fulex was established in 2003 and has been serving small to medium-sized e-commerce businesses with their logistics operations. We manage three strategically located fulfillment centers across the U.S. in Michigan, Tennessee, and San Diego and provide our customers with the latest technology and automation tools, allowing us to offer 1 to 2-day ground shipping.

As fulfillment and logistics operations experts, we cater to each client with customized plans because we realize no two businesses are alike. Our core competencies include integrated fulfillment and customer care services for product and promotional needs, specializing in clothing, pet, and beauty & wellness products.

We are an FDA-certified fulfillment provider, meaning we are registered and approved to handle food and supplements and are also a certified organic handler for dry goods.

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