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Business location Stockton

The location of the city of Stockton strategically as the only other sea port for the state of California aside from Sacramento makes it indispensable as an outlet to the state’s waterways. In addition, it plays a central role in regard to other forms of transport as it features the two main California's north-to-south highways: the State Route 99 and Interstate 5. The city has approximately 300,8 inhabitants. Further, the city has a key role to play in terms of river water transport as it has the dredged San Joaquin River and State Route 4 that connect it to the San Francisco Bay Zone. Socio- politically, the city serves as the county seat of San Joaquin County, the north central part of the state of California. It appears within the farmland of San Joaquin Valley, California, a sub-region of the main Central Valley. Stockton city features numerous miles of waterways in and around it which make up the Delta of California. Stockton’s real estate business is one of the industries that has seen some of the worst crises. It was disproportionately affected by the 2007 mortgage economic crisis, in addition to the city leading the US in foreclosures for that business year. One in every 30 homes was posted for foreclosure during that time. The city is still fast recovering from being one of hardest-hit cities in America.

Facts about Stockton

Stockton is located in the state of California and has a population of 291707 .

Stockton is located at 37.958 latitude und -121.291 longitude.

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