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Business location Chesapeake

Chesapeake has a population of over two hundred thousand with a considerably moderate growth which makes it the third-most populated city in the state of Virginia. Chesapeake city is part of the Hampton Roads metropolitan zone. The city was formed in early ‘60s through political consolidation of South Norfolk city with the former county of Norfolk. It is the second-largest metropolis in terms of geographical space in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Chesapeake is situated on the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway with several miles of land covered by beachfront industrial, residential and commercial property, and it extends all the way from the Hampton Roads harbor region to the rural areas bordering North Carolina. Chesapeake is thus one of the biggest cities in terms of land in the state of Virginia and the entire US. This often poses a number of challenges to its leaders in sustaining infrastructural developments. The city got a shot in the arm in 2011 when it was named by Bloomberg Businessweek as the 21st best city in the United States of America.

Facts about Chesapeake

Chesapeake is located in the state of Virginia and has a population of 228210 .

Chesapeake is located at 36.819 latitude und -76.275 longitude.

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